Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Crazy Ugandan Weather!

Yesterday, late morning, I walked over to the ARM and school offices to meet with some people. It takes about 40 minutes to walk if you take some of the small dirt back roads. By the time I made it to the office I was hot, sweaty, and dirty. Every time a car drove by it kicked up more of the red, dusty dirt that covered me from the knees down.
A few hours later I walked with Renee to her house (just a 5 minute walk) to drop some things off, and then we were going to head downtown. The sky was starting to look a little dark, but it was still warm out. It started sprinkling as we were leaving her house, but we figured we would just catch a taxi and it'd be fine by the time we made it to Kampala.
Well, we made it about 100 feet down the first road when literally in 3...2...1...a huge gust of wind and a torrential downpour of rain drenched us before we could even run back to the house. It was like being in the middle of a hurricane! There was no way we were going out in this, even if Renee needed to make it downtown by 4 to FedEx a package! It should pass pretty quickly...Then, huge chunks of hail, yes HAIL, began to pelt the roof, and the backyard was already flooded with several inches of water. Maybe this storm was going to pass as quickly as we hoped.
We waited about 30 minutes before we peeked outside again. It was hardly even sprinkling anymore, it had just sounded like it was raining from all the water running off the house! We ventured out to find a taxi, which we found quickly and, to my surprise, was practically empty. Mutotus are never that empty. Now, my feet and legs were covered in mud- not a good day to be wearing flip-flops! During the drive into the city, the sky cleared up and it was once again a pleasant day. All this in a matter of a few hours!

1 comment:

Adam said...

I'm so jealous! I miss crazy weather so much.